ESG Policy

Last Updated: May 12, 2023


Crown Realty Partners and its affiliates (together, “Crown”, “we”, “us”, or “our”) are an integrated commercial real estate investment and management firm. Crown is committed to conducting operations in an environmentally, socially, and economically responsible manner. Our vertically integrated team considers sustainability factors at every stage of the real estate ownership and investment lifecycle and incorporates environmentally sustainable best practices for all our operations.

In this ESG Policy, you will find information about the work we do to reduce our environmental footprint and maximize our social impact, ensuring responsible real estate investment, management and operations while providing strong returns to our investors.


This policy applies to all departments within Crown, including the corporate head office and property management offices, together with each of Crown’s business units. Crown’s business activities impact a range of stakeholders including our employees, tenants, investors, partners, and the communities in which we operate.  

Our Commitment: Environmental

Crown integrates environmental considerations into our business strategy and is committed to having a positive impact on the environment. We strive to:  

  • Promote environmental awareness among employees, contractors, suppliers, tenants and the public and encourage them to practice responsible consumption of resources;
  • Reduce energy consumption at our properties by optimizing systems design and conservation practices;
  • Minimize the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions generated through our operations and construction. Respond to Canada’s 2050 net zero carbon emission commitment by improving carbon management, strengthening climate resilience, and developing mitigation and adaptive solutions.  In 2022, we have engaged a consultant to assist us in devising a plan for our firm and our various investment vehicles and operations to support Canada’s net zero carbon emission by 2050 commitment;  
  • Optimize the consumption of energy, water and reduce the waste sent to landfills across our portfolio to avoid pollution and minimize any adverse effects on the environment associated with our operations, including our building operations and the construction projects we oversee on behalf of our various investment vehicles;
  • Increase the use of renewable energy in our portfolio through on-site energy generation, purchase of renewable energy and other methods, where applicable;
  • Source materials responsibly and sustainably, including selecting suppliers and contractors who promote sustainable development and encourage them to implement similar policies.

Our Commitment: Social

  • Strive to be an employer of choice by providing an environment that celebrates diversity in which all employees are treated fairly and with respect and can realize their full potential;
  • Put the health and safety of our employees and tenants as our top priority and promote their physical and mental wellness;
  • Strive to provide a safe, healthy and supportive work environment;
  • Prohibit any forms of child and forced labour and discrimination and require all vendors, contractors and/or suppliers to share the same commitment;
  • Engage and communicate with our internal and external stakeholders through a number of different channels, and appreciate the collected feedback and suggestions;
  • Empower employees to be proactive on sustainability matters at work and through volunteering in the community;
  • Bring value to the communities of which we are a part, through ongoing engagement and investment, and enhance their capabilities while respecting their culture and heritage;
  • Act according to our DEI Policy and commitment, as well as our Health & Wellness Policy.

Our Commitment: Governance

  • Maintain robust, effective governance and accountability structures to oversee and drive our sustainability agenda;
  • Review and update targets as our sustainability program continues to mature and as the needs of the business change;
  • Monitor the company’s performance and report regularly on matters that may present a risk to investors and other stakeholders;
  • Strive to meet or exceed the requirements of all applicable laws and regulations in the respective jurisdictions of our operations.

Scope and Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of all employees of Crown to adhere to this policy in their respective roles, in collaboration with the ESG Committee. Crown’s Managing Partner, Investments, will be responsible for the management of the ESG Policy and ensuring it is adhered to, reviewed periodically and updated as required. Continuing education and training on ESG is provided in a variety of forms across the organization. This policy is shared publicly with all stakeholders, including investors, employees, asset managers and Partners to support its actualization and encourage awareness.

ESG When Making an Investment

During the investment evaluation process, Crown will:

  • Review the different ESG elements that might affect a target investment, including potential climate-related risks and mitigants and disclose these to a Fund’s investment committee;
  • Identify mechanisms for mitigating potential ESG risks and capitalize on opportunities to add value post-acquisition.

ESG as Part of Asset and Property Management

Crown will incorporate identified ESG factors into its ongoing asset management property management plans. Our view is that effective management of ESG risks and opportunities can enhance the value of an investment, as does the adoption of sustainable practices across our businesses. Crown will:

  • Continually track relevant key performance indicators;
  • Provide on-going disclosure of these indicators for our Fund Portfolio;
  • Incorporate and considers ESG matters as part of the performance review and compensation program;
  • Strive to meet or exceed the requirements of all applicable laws and regulations in the respective jurisdictions of our operations.

Review and Revisions

The Managing Partners of Crown have approved the provisions of this policy. The policy will be revised and updated periodically and more frequently when appropriate. If changes or updates to the policy are considered significant, approval of the Managing Partners, together with the Advisory Board is required.