90 Sheppard wins 2020 race2reduce CREST Award

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November 11, 2020
2020 race2reduce CREST Award

Crown is proud to announce that 90 Sheppard Avenue East has won the Climate Champion Award for buildings 100,000 sf to 500,000 sf at BOMA Toronto’s 2020 race2reduce CREST awards for sustainability, which took place on November 5th.

The Climate Champion Award recognizes a building that has demonstrated exemplary effort to reduce emission from the building or business operation. Buildings are assessed on emission intensity, commitment to CSG (policies, programs, and business practices), tenant and employee engagement, and community action.

90 Sheppard

About the race2reduce CREST Awards

The 2020 race2reduce Commercial Real Estate Trailblazers (CREST) Awards honours participants from the commercial real estate industry’s race2reduce program that have demonstrated continual commitment to improve building performance and reduce emissions.

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