Creating a Brighter Future Together: Crown nominated for the BOMA Earth Hour Weekend Challenge certificate

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May 5, 2023
May 13, 2024

Crown is proud to announce that 8 of our buildings were nominated for the BOMA Earth Hour Weekend Challenge certificate. We have been participating in the challenge for 10 years, engaging our properties to reduce energy waste, in addition to our many other initiatives. Earth Hour is a global initiative that encourages individuals and organizations to turn off non-essential lights for one hour on the last Saturday of March each year. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness about energy conservation and encourage people to take steps to reduce their energy consumption. As owners and managers of office space, we play an essential role in reducing energy consumption and safeguarding the environment. We understand that our management practices have a significant impact on energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, and, ultimately, the planet's health and we do not take this lightly. Our annual participation in Earth Hour is one of many steps we are taking in reducing our total energy consumption. The following Crown properties were nominated:

  • Dundas Edward Centre (180 Dundas Street West, 123 Edward Street)
  • North York Square (45-47 Sheppard Avenue East)
  • 90 Sheppard Avenue East
  • 400 University Avenue
  • 901 King Street West
  • 1004 Middlegate Drive

The winner will be announced at the upcoming BOMA Toronto Celebration of Excellence Awards Gala on May 25th, 2023. To learn more about the BOMA Earth Hour Weekend Challenge click here.

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