Making Every Space Count at Crown

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September 9, 2024

At Crown, we transform underutilized spaces into impactful, sustainable amenities. From urban farms to beehives, our initiatives make every corner count.

During 2023, our urban farms revitalize idle areas, creating thriving gardens, producing 3,000 lbs. of vegetables, edible flowers, and herbs. These fresh foods have been donated to Second Harvest and the Breakfast Club of Canada, creating over 800 meals for those in need.

Our beehive program supports over 1.3 million honeybees, which pollinated approximately 340 km2 and produced 446 kgs of honey in 2023. We’ve installed 24 beehives and wild bee homes across our properties, enhancing urban biodiversity and providing educational workshops with our partner,  Alvéole.

In 2023, Crown expanded our partnership with Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP), a non-profit organization dedicated to mitigating bird collisions and fatalities within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).  We’ve consider bird safety as part of our responsible operations. We are expanding this program to other properties across our portfolio.    

At Crown, every space is an opportunity to support sustainability, enhance biodiversity, and create meaningful impacts for our communities.

For more details on our sustainability efforts and initiatives, read our ESG report.

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