We Let the Dogs Out Across Crown Buildings!

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May 30, 2024

This year, to help combat the winter blues and bring a wave of joy to our tenants, Crown Property Management didn’t limit our canine therapy sessions to just January. Instead, we extended these furry visits throughout the first quarter across our entire portfolio.

In partnership with Corporate Canine Therapy, we organized multiple therapy dog visits at various Crown properties. Our tenants were encouraged to ‘Take a Paws’ from their busy schedules to hang out and relax with certified therapy dogs. The presence of therapy dogs in the workplace has been shown to reduce stress levels, boost productivity, increase happiness, provide comfort, encourage teamwork, and even lower blood pressure.

It’s been consistently proven that access to alternative therapeutic services like canine therapy helps alleviate workplace stress and anxiety. The smiles we saw on our tenants’ faces were all the proof we needed!

A big thank you to everyone who participated and made these moments special. Here’s to bringing more joy and less stress into our work environments!

Meet some of the dogs:

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